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Podcasts & Interviews

How To Find Your Life Purpose And Live Your Mission w/ Dr. Jackie Lau

 - Speaking and Communicating Podcast

Thank you Dr Jackie Lau - You shared such life-changing scientific knowledge on degenerative diseases, mindfulness and the relationship we have with ourselves.

Dr Jackie Lau is a Neuroscientist, a Tony Robbins-trained Strategic Interventionist and a Spirituality and Relationship Coach. She has done extensive research in dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and shares tips on how to delay the onset of these, even if genetically predisposed. Dr Jackie explains how science and the techniques she has learned led her to a much bigger purpose and living a life of fulfillment.

Each of us can start to view life differently through understanding how connected we are.





Published on July 24 2022

Projection – a defense mechanism – how do we know we are projecting?

What we see in others often serves as a reflection of our relationship with ourselves - the way we connect with others starts with connectedness within.

“Projection is one of the commonest psychic phenomena…Everything that is unconscious in ourselves we discover in our neighbour, and we treat him accordingly…. Not that these others are wholly without blame, for even the worst projection is at least hung on a hook, perhaps a very small one, but still a hook offered by the other person.” ― Carl Jung

What if our tendency to externalize our source of discomfort is the cause AND result of emotions that have been repressed, suppressed and avoided? And the resistance to look within is putting us at a default state of heightened involuntary reactivity? Hence more vulnerable to the temptations of separateness and further externalization?

We therefore see the world through the lens of our unresolved emotions, and are ready to identify anything as triggers for us to react to, as means to release some of the constant tension that we feel. This projection mechanism is often manifested as externalization of the disconnection we feel with ourselves on the inside – subconsciously or unconsciously, we set heavy boundaries with others in order to normalize a sense of disintegration with ourselves...

Published on July 14 2022

People-pleasing: do you find yourself in this pattern?

How can we relax our inherited pattern of people-pleasing, and embrace our authenticity? 

I was fortunate to be joined by my great friend Andrew Copeland, an experienced salon owner and hairdresser, transitioning into a life coach, speaker, author and content creator, in the discussion of “People-pleasing” - a pattern that I’m sure most of us can relate to. 


Published on July 17 2022

From self-love to Self-love: a journey of Self-transformation

To tune in and truly see the blocks we have built around our own love opens the gateway to grace and flow."

"What if we have got it the other way round all long? Rather than “effort-ing”: to figure out how to attain “self-love”, and to seek something that is perceived as outside of ourselves…what if we start “love-ing”: to first understand how we have blocked ourselves from recognizing this natural state, and to relax the patterns that hinder connection to our true nature?

Published on July 03 2022

#17 Neuroscientist Jackie Lau on how to become a successful entrepreneur | The Small Biz Accelerator Show | The Story Behind The Story

Dr. Jackie Lau inspires and supports individuals to shift their philosophies, generate breakthroughs, establish profoundly interconnected relationships, and awaken their conscious and true Self by combining practical psychology, neuroscience, and spirituality. 

She is thought to be the mind's ultimate genius...

On her coaching journey, Dr. Jackie has co-created with people all around the world to help them create greater self-awareness, purpose in life, and internal peace.

Jackie's quests included uncovering the neural circuits central to conditioning and reinforcement, as an intrigued research scientist with extensive experience in neuroscience and biotechnology for the past 15 years. She's always been fascinated by regulations at the brain regions and neural mechanisms that underpin emotional and behavioral patterns, such as what drives our sense of who we are, how we react and respond to situations, what compels anxiety, stress, sadness, and obsession. 

 Her interests guide her to where she is now, unravelling the fundamental meanings of mental and emotional integrity.

Published on April 04 2021

Adventure through Neuroscience and Life Coaching - transform into purpose and fulfillment

Combining practical psychology, neuroscience and spirituality, I help transform mindset, build deeply connected relationships, awaken your conscious and authentic self...

I am a neuroscientist and an award-winning international life coach,a strategic interventionist and a breakthrough specialist, who is fascinated with human behaviors and the mechanisms underlying our mental and emotional states. With a deep appreciation for the integrative approach of modern psychology, neuroscience and spirituality, I have co-created with people all over the world to radically transform into more self-awareness, sense of purpose and inner freedom.

Published on September 28 2016